Meet Debbie
Licensed Professional Counselor, Pastor,
Author, and Mother
Debbie Causey is a licensed counselor, ordained pastor at a mega church, and a mother who has been on a journey to discover what God has to say about the topic of homosexuality and gender identity issues and the
LGBTQ+ community for the past decade.
She leads a ministry for parents of LGBTQ+ children who are desperate to learn how to love their children well and discover God's purposes for them on this journey. She has spoken at several conferences about parenting LGBTQ+ children well and is passionate to seeing LGBTQ+ individuals and their families reconciled to their faith.
Her latest book The Big Reveal details the lessons the author has learned along the way about the key topics of faith, identity, relational safety, mental health, and demonstrative love as she walks with her youngest son, Noah, since he came out in high school. Like most parents, she was devastated, but her grief was compounded by the crisis of faith that followed. As she and her husband
wondered whether they would have to choose between their faith and loving their child, they found a path they didn't expect. This book details how one family is navigating the journey that has allowed them to love their
LGBTQ+ child well, hold onto their faith, and discover the purposes God has for them along the way.